
Oldham profile

Oldham profile



The total population of Oldham (2023 ONS Mid-Year Estimates)



The percentage of areas in Oldham among the 10% most deprived areas in England. (7 out of 20 wards).

Life expectancy


This is average life expectancy of a woman living in Oldham today



The percentage that Oldham's population is expected to increase by 2033.

  Total population

The population of Oldham is 246,130 (2023 Mid Year Estimates).
  • 22.7% aged under 18                                              
  • 61.4% aged 18-64
  • 15.9% aged 65+
The age structure of Oldham is relatively youthful with a high proportion of residents aged under 18 (22.7%). Since 2001, the population across Oldham and England has aged, with more people aged over 65 and fewer under 18s. This change has been influenced by a decrease in the birth rate and an increase in the average life expectancy. Source: ONS Mid Year Estimates 2023.

Population projections 2023-2033

There will be over the next ten years:
  • A 3.2% increase in those aged under 64. 
  • A 14% increase in those aged 65-84.
  • A 27.8% increase in those aged over 85. 
Given the growth in Oldham's over 85 population over the next ten years there will be significant changes in demand of adult social care and health provision.Source: Oldham Council Strategy & Performance Service Population Projections, 2023

 Life expectancy 2020-2022

Life Expectancy
Oldham's life expectancy is significantly lower than the average in England.
  • For men it's 76.3 years compared to the national average of 78.9
  • For women it's 80.1 years compared to the national average of 82.8
Healthy Life Expectancy
Oldham's healthy life expectancy is also significantly lower than the average in England.
  • For men it's 56.6 years v national average of 63.1
  • For women it's 58.2 years v national average of 63.9
Source: ONS, calculated by OHID

Deprivation & Inequality

On average, those living in the most deprived areas of Oldham can expect to live shorter lives than those in the least deprived.
Between Alexandra (Most deprived) and Saddleworth South (Least deprived) the difference is:
  • 12.7 years for males.
  • 12.8 years for females.
Source: ​Local Health

Further information


Health and Wellbeing Board

Oldham Council

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