
Ageing well

Ageing well

Life expectancy


This is the life expectancy of a man aged 65 (2020-22)



The percentage of all eligible adults aged 65+ that received the flu vaccine (2023/24)



The number of emergency admissions due to falls among adults 65+ (2022/23)

Care Homes


The percentage of Oldham Care Homes rated good or outstanding (2022)

Due to demographic changes, we have an increasing proportion of older people in the Oldham population. At this stage of the life course, the need for health and social care begins to increase.

Life expectancy aged at 65

  • Male life expectancy at 65 is 16.8 years. This is lower than the average of 18.4 years in England (2020/22).
  • Female life expectancy at 65 is 19.1 years. This is lower than the average of 20.9 years in England (2020/22).

 Source: PHOF Area Profiles

Adult Social Care

  • 81.8% of Oldham's Care Homes are rated as 'good' or 'outstanding'. This is lower than the average in England of 85.7%.
  Source: CQC website (2022)

  • According to the 2021 Census, 9.2% of residents aged 5 and over look after, or give any help or support to, someone because they have long-term physical or mental health conditions or illnesses, or problems related to old age.
  • 3% of residents responded that they provide 50 or more hours of unpaid care per week.

Source: Census 2021, ONS 


  • There were 745 emergency admissions due to falls in people aged 65 and over in Oldham (1,996 per 100,000). This is higher than the average rate in England of 1,933 per 100,000 (2022/23).

  Source: PHOF (Public Health Profiles)

  • Oldham's latest dementia prevalence amongst those aged 65 and above (4.22%) is higher than the England average of 3.97% (2020).

Social Isolation and Loneliness
  • According to the Sport England Active Lives Survey, 19.5% of adults in Oldham feel lonely 'often, always or some of the time'. This is lower than the England average of 22.3% (2019/20).


  • 76.8% of all eligible adults aged 65+ received the flu vaccine in 2023/24. This is lower than the England average of 77.8%.
  • 44% of all over 70 years olds received the shingles vaccine. This is lower than the England average of 48.3% (2022/23).
  • 72.5% of adults aged 65+ have received the pneumococcal vaccine. This is higher than the England average of 71.8% (2022/23).
  Source: PHOF (Public Health Profiles)

Winter Mortality Index

  • The winter mortality index ratio was 13.1% for those aged over 85 between August 2021 and July 2022. This is similar to the England average of 11.3%.
Source: Office for National Statistics: Annual Births and Mortality Extracts 

Hip fractures

  • There were 230 emergency hospital admissions for hip fracture in people over the aged of 65 (611 per 100,000) in 2022/23) This is higher than England (558 per 100,00) for the same period.
Source: PHOF (Public Health Profiles)

End of Life Care
  • As of 2022/23, there were 1,243 patients identified as being in need of palliative care/support registered with an Oldham GP. This represents 0.5% of the adult population, equal to the average for England. 
Source: Office for National Statistics

  • Oldham's latest all cause, all age mortality rate of 1,245 per 100,000 persons is 22.9% higher than the England average of 1,013 per 100,000 (2020-22).
Source: OHID, based on Office for National Statistics data

Further information

Older People’s Health and Wellbeing Profile
The PHE resource can be used to examine the health and care of older people across local authorities in England. The interactive tool enables identification, comparison and monitoring of trends for 41 indicators. The profile is designed to support those responsible for delivering strategies for prevention and early intervention to improve the health and wellbeing of older adults, as well as those providing evidence and intelligence to support the development of Joint Strategic Needs Assessments.

Local System Data Summary: Older People’s Pathway
The Care Quality Commission (CQC) published older peoples’ profiles in September 2018 to help identify issues within/across the health and care systems in a local area. The profile for Oldham includes information on activity, levels of provision, quality, staffing and user experience of adult social care (ASC) and activity through acute hospitals. Further analysis by the Greater Manchester Health & Social Care Partnership (GMHSCP) found that within GM, Oldham is one of the two top performers when measured against England and comparator local authorities. Oldham has good performance compared with similar areas in terms of ASC staff turnover rates, length of stay in acute hospital and people still in reablement 91 days after discharge.

Older Black and Minority Ethnic people’s experiences of health and social care in Greater Manchester
This report draws together existing Census and survey data, and original data gathered through a series of focus groups, to explore older BAME people’s experiences of health and social care in Greater Manchester.


Health and Wellbeing Board

Oldham Council

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